Scientific Publications

Papers in international peer-reviewed journals

T. Jia, D. Guines, D.-M. Gordin, L. Leotoing, T. Gloriant. Finite element analysis of a low modulus Ti-20Zr-3Mo-3Sn alloy designed to reduce the stress shielding effect of a hip prosthesis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 157, 2024.

T. Jia, D. Guines, D. Laillé, L. Leotoing, T. Gloriant. Finite element analysis of the mechanical performance of self-expanding endovascular stents made with new nickel-free superelastic β−titanium alloys. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 151, 2024.

J. Liang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Identification of thermo-viscoplastic behavior for AA6061 under in-plane biaxial loadings. Mechanics of Materials, 189, 2024.

Z. Wang, X. Chu, Z. Yue, L. Leotoing, J. Gao. A novel mechanical attachment for biaxial tensile test: Application to formability evaluation for DP590 at different temperatures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28, 2024.

J. Faddoul, P. Rahme, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Thermo-visco mechanical behavior of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite. Journal of Composite materials, 2023.

Z. Wang, D. Guines, X. Chu, L. Leotoing. Prediction and characterization of forming limits at necking from shear to equi-biaxial loading using the biaxial tensile testing method: Feasibility study and application to AA6061-T4. Mechanics of Materials, 179, 2023

M. Idriss, O. Bartier, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, G. Mauvoisin, X. Hernot. Instrumented indentation for determining stress and strain levels of pre-strained DC01 sheets. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 238, 2023.

A. Abdelkefi, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, S. Thuillier. Relevant material characterization for load prediction in incremental forming. International Journal of Material Forming, 15, 2022.

Z. Wang, D. Guines, X. Chu, L. Leotoing. Characterization of forming limits at fracture from shear to plane strain with a dedicated cruciform specimen. International Journal of Material Forming, 15, 2022.

A. Kobeissi, P. Rahme, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Strength characterization of glass/epoxy plain weave composite under different biaxial loading ratios. Journal of Composite Materials, 2020.

X. Chu, Z. Wang, C. Chen, S. Lin, L. Leotoing. Experimental investigation of punch curvature influence in nakazima test and numerical FLD prediction of AA5086. Ferroelectrics, 565:12–25, 2020.

X. Song, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Effect of continuous strain path changes on forming limit strains of DP600. Strain, 2019.

Z. Wang, S. Zang, X. Chu, S. Zhang, L. Leotoing. Identification of 7B04 aluminum alloy anisotropy yield criteria with conventional test and Pottier test at elevated temperature. Results in Physics, 15, 2019.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Robin, J.-B. Le Cam. Effects of strain path changes on the kinematics and the intrinsic dissipation accompanying PLC bands in Al-Mg alloys. Experimental Mechanics, pages 1–15, 2019.

X. Song, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Characterization of forming limits at fracture with an optimized cruciform specimen: Application to DP600 steel sheets. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 126:35–43, 2017.

J.-B. Le Cam, E. Robin, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Calorimetric analysis of portevin-le chatelier bands under equibiaxial loading conditions in Al-Mg alloys: Kinematics and mechanical dissipation. Mechanics of Materials, 105:80–88, 2017.

W. Liu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Identification of strain rate-dependent mechanical behaviour of DP600 under in-plane biaxial loadings. Materials Science and Engineering A, 676:366–376, 2016.

X. Song, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Investigation of the forming limit strains at fracture of AA5086 sheets using an in-plane biaxial tensile test. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 163:130–140, 2016.

W. Liu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Identification of sheet metal hardening for large strains with an in-plane biaxial tensile test and a dedicated cross specimen. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 101-102:387–398, 2015.

M.E. Ait Ali, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Analytical and numerical analysis of a ”springback-forming” process dedicated to stiffened panels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 101-102:399–410, 2015.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Effect of material thermo-viscoplastic modeling on the prediction of forming limit curves of aluminum alloy 5086. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24:3459–3470, 2015.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Investigations of the effect of strain path changes on forming limit curves using an in-plane biaxial tensile test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 99:21–28, 2015

J. Ding, C. Zhang, X. Chu, G. Zhao, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Investigation of the influence of the initial groove angle in the m-k model on limit strains and forming limit curves. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 98:59–69, 2015.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier. Potential of the cross biaxial test for anisotropy characterization based on heterogeneous strain field. Experimental Mechanics, 55:817–835, 2015.

C. Zhang, X. Chu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, J. Ding, G. Zhao. Dedicated linear – Voce model and its application in investigating temperature and strain rate effects on sheet formability of aluminum alloys. Materials and Design, 67:522–530, 2015.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier, S. Zang. Calibration of anisotropic yield criterion with conventional tests or biaxial test. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 85:142–151, 2014.

J. Belchior, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Courteille, P. Maurine. A Process/Machine coupling approach: Application to robotized incremental sheet forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214(8):1605–1616, 2014.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Temperature and strain rate influence on AA5086 Forming Limit Curves: Experimental results and discussion on the validity of the M-K model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 78:27–34, 2014.

J. Belchior, M. Guillo, E. Courteille, P. Maurine, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Off-line compensation of the tool path deviations on robotic machining: Application to incremental sheet forming. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 29:58–69, 2013.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines, I. Zidane, E. Ragneau. Cruciform shape benefits for experimental and numerical evaluation of sheet metal formability. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213:856–863, 2013.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, G. Zhao, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. A comparative study of different necking criteria for numerical and experimental prediction of FLCs. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 20(6):1036–1042, 2011.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Experimental and numerical study on effect of forming rate on AA5086 sheet formability. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527:967–972, 2010.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, G. Zhao, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. A methodology for evaluating sheet formability combining the tensile test with the M-K model. Materials Science and Engineering A, 528:480–485, 2010.

I. Zidane, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Development of an in-plane biaxial test for forming limit curve (FLC) characterization of metallic sheets. Measurement Science and Technology, 21:1–11, 2010.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Theoretical and numerical study of strain rate influence on AA5083 formability. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209:3849–3858, 2009.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Effects of a strain rate sensitive material on the optimization of an hydroforming process. International Journal of Material Forming, 1, supl. 1:335–338, 2008.

E. Courteille, L. Leotoing, F. Mortier, E. Ragneau. New analytical method to evaluate the engine and chassis coupling in the improvement vehicle NVH. European Journal of Mechanics A/SOLIDS, 24:929–943, 2005.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Using new closed-form solutions to set up design rules and numerical investigations for global and local buckling of sandwich beams. J. Sandwich Struct., 6(3):263–289, may 2004.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. First applications of a novel unified model for global and local buckling of sandwich columns. European Journal of Mechanics A/SOLIDS, 21(4):683–701, 2002.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Nonlinear interaction of geometrical and material properties in sandwich beam instabilities. Int. J. Solids Struct., 39(13-14):3717–3739, july 2002.

Conference papers in international peer-reviewed proceedings

J. Faddoul, P. Rahme, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Investigations on the temperature and strain rate dependent behavior of a reinforced thermoplastic: application in hot incremental forming. In Materials Research Proceedings – Material Forming ESAFORM 2024, volume 41, pages 2252–2260. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024.

Z. Wang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Calibration of thermo-viscoplastic constitutive model under biaxial loadings: a feasibility study. In Materials Research Proceedings – Material Forming ESAFORM 2023, volume 28, pages 1397–1406. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

G. Mitukiewicz, L. Leotoing, G. Wang, D. Guines, J. Goszczak, D. Batory. Suitability evaluation of pre-formed cruciform sample without thickness reduction for high strain values in the center of the specimen under different strains paths. In Materials Research Proceedings – Material Forming ESAFORM 2023, volume 28, pages 1463–1470. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

Z. Wang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Influence of criteria on the determination of forming limits in thickness reduced cruciform specimens. In IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering (IDDRG2022), volume 1238, 2022.

C. Hu, L. Leotoing, P. Castany, D. Guines, T. Gloriant. Effect of microstructure on the formability of Ti21s alloy. In Proceedings of the 24th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, 2021.

J. Liang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Effect of temperature and strain rate on the plastic anisotropic behavior characterized by a single biaxial tensile test. Procedia Manufacturing, 47:1532–1539, 2020. 23rd International Conference on Material Forming.

J. Liang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Thermo-viscoplastic behavior of AA6061 under dynamic biaxial loadings. Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, volume 2113. AIP Conf. Proc., 2019.

A. Abdelkefi, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, S. Thuillier. Influence of the mechanical model of titanium T40 on the predicted forces during incremental forming process. Proceedings of the 22nd International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, volume 2113. In AIP Conf. Proc., 2019.

L. Giraud-Moreau, J. Belchior, P. Lafon, L. Leotoing, A. Cherouat, E. Courteille, D. Guines, P. Maurine. Springback effects during single point incremental forming: Optimization of the tool path. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1960, 2018.

X. Song, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Identification of forming limits at fracture of DP600 sheet metal under linear and unloaded non-linear strain paths. Procedia Engineering, 207:562–567, 2017.

W. Liu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Strain rate dependent hardening of DP600 sheet metal for large strains under in-plane biaxial loadings. In AIP Conf. Proc., pages 060004–1–060004–6. ESAFORM 2016, 2016.

C. Zhang, X. Chu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, J. Ding, G. Zhao. Effects of temperature and strain rate on the forming limit curves of AA5086 sheet. ICTP 2014, in Procedia Engineering, 81:772–778, 2014.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier. Identification of anisotropic yield criterion parameters from a single biaxial tensile test. In Key Engineering Materials, volume 611-612, pages 1710–1717, 2014. ESAFORM2014, Trans Tech Publications.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, J. Gao. Comparison of constitutive laws on the modeling of thermo-viscoplastic behaviour of an aluminium alloy. In Applied Mechanics and Materials, Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science IV, volume 496-500, pages 307–310. ICFMD2013, Trans Tech Publications, 2014.

J. Belchior, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Force prediction for correction of robot tool path in single point incremental forming. In Key Engineering Materials, volume 554-557, pages 1282–1289, 2013. ESAFORM2013, Trans Tech Publications.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Zhang, E. Ragneau. A cruciform shape to study the influence of strain paths on forming limit curves. In Key Engineering Materials, volume 554-557, pages 41–46, 2013. ESAFORM2013, Trans Tech Publications.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier. Calibration of material parameters of anisotropic yield criterion with conventional tests and biaxial test. In Key Engineering Materials, volume 554-557, pages 2111–2117, 2013. ESAFORM2013, Trans Tech Publications.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. An in-plane tensile test for rheological and formability identification: Comparison between experimental and numerical FLC. In The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming : ESAFORM2011, volume 1353, pages 1535–1540. American Institute of Physics, may 2011.

C. Zhang, G. Zhao, H. Chen, L. Leotoing. Numerical investigation of temperature and forming rate effect on AA5086 warm formability. In Materials Science Forum, 675-677:607–610, february 2011, 7th International Forum on Advanced Material Science and Technology (IFAMST), Dalian, 26-28 june 2010.

I. Zidane, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. A biaxial test for rheological and formability identification. In ICEM14 – 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics. The European Physical Journal, Poitiers, 4-9 July 2010.


C. Zeng, X. Fang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Characterization and modelling of dynamic plasticity and fracture behavior of sheet metal under multiaxial loading. In DYMAT 2024, Zurich, September 8 – 13 2024.

T. Jia, D. Guines, D. Laillé, L. Leotoing, T. Gloriant. Finite element analysis of the mechanical performance of self expanding endovascular stents made with new nickel-free superelastic β-titanium alloys and fatigue life prediction. In ESOMAT 2024, Lecco, August 26 – 30 2024.

J. Faddoul, P. Rahme, D. Guines, L. Leotoing. Effect of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical behavior of discontinuous glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite. In Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, August 29 – September 2, 2022.

A. Boyer, N. Demazel, D. Guines, H. Laurent, L. Leotoing, J. Liang, M. C. Oliveira. Comparison of hot bulge and in-plane biaxial tests for the identification of constitutive models under equibiaxial loading. In IDDRG2022, Lorient, 2022.

A. Kobeissi, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, P. Rahme. Numerical investigation on cruciform composite shape for the biaxial characterization test. In ECCM18 European conference on composite materials, Athens, Greece, June 24-28 2018.

J.B. Le Cam, E. Robin, L. Leotoing, D. Guines. Calorific signature of PLC bands under biaxial loading conditions in Al-Mg alloys. In Residual Stress, Thermomechanics and Infrared Imaging, Hybrid Techniques and Inverse Problems, Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, volume 8, pages 29–35, 2018.

X. Song, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Identification of forming limits at fracture using an in-plane biaxial tensile test with a dedicated cruciform specimen. In ICMFF11 International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, Seville, June 1-3 2016.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Influence of temperature and strain rate on the formability of aluminium alloys: Comparison between experimental and predictive results. In Innovations for the Sheet Metal Industry, CETIM, pages 91–96. IDDRG2014, June 1-4, Paris, 2014.

J. Belchior, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Numerical simulation of the single point incremental forming : Improvement of the force prediction. In 32nd SENAFOR, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 22-24 octobre 2012.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Effects of a strain rate sensitive material on the optimization of an hydroforming process. In ESAFORM2008 Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, 23-25 April 2008.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Theoretical and numerical study of strain rate sensitivity on formability of sheet metal. In NUMISHEET 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 2008.

I. Zidane, C. Zhang, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Optimization of biaxial tensile specimen shape from numerical investigations. In NUMISHEET 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 2008.

E. Courteille, F. Mortier, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Multi-objective robust design of an engine mounting system. In SAE 2005 – Noise and Vibration Conference, Traverse City, MI, 16-19 may 2005.

E. Courteille, L. Leotoing, F. Mortier, E. Ragneau. Analytical study of coupling between subsystems of a vehicule NVH model. In ISMA2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, september 2004.

L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Modeling of granular material flow patterns using an ALE finite element formulation. In EM2004 – 17th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division, University of Delaware, Newark, june 2004.

D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Numerical investigation of flow patterns in a cylindrical silo using an ALE approach. In 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, New York, june 2-5 2002.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Global, local and interactive buckling in sandwich structures. In 10th European Conference on Composite Materials, Brugge, june 3-7 2002.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Prediction of the buckling response of sandwich beams under in-plane compression. In 6th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Prague, september 4-6 2002.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Nonlinear interaction of geometrical and material properties in sandwich structure instabilities. In IUTAM Symposium Material Instabilities and the Effect of Microstructure, Austin, may 7-11 2001.

S. Drapier, L. Leotoing, A. Vautrin. Influence of scale effects on the buckling of sandwich structures. In Proceedings of XXth ICTAM, Chicago, page 78, 27 august – 1 september 2000.

S. Drapier, L. Leotoing, A. Vautrin. Interactive buckling in sandwich structures. In Proceedings of 4th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, page 265, june 2000.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Closed-form solution for local, global buckling in sandwich stuctures. In Proceedings of Sandwich Construction 5 – Zurich 5-7 september 2000, volume 1, pages 25–36. E-mas publishing, 2000.

S. Drapier, L. Leotoing, A. Vautrin. Instabilities and scale effects in composites. In Proceedings of ASME 1999 : Mechanics and Materials Conference, Blacksburg, page 296, june 1999.

A. Abdelkefi, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, S. Thuillier. Incremental forming of titanium T40 sheet : experimental and numerical investigations. In Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, 26-30 août 2019.

A. Kobeissi, D. Guines, P. Rahme, L. Leotoing. Failure stresses of plain weave glass/epoxy under different in-plane biaxial loading ratios. In Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, 26-30 août 2019.

W. Liu, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Identification du comportement viscoplastique des tôles métalliques par essai de traction biaxiale dynamique sur éprouvette en croix. In Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, 24-28 novembre 2014.

J. Belchior, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, P. Maurine, E. Ragneau. Approche couplée matériau/structure machine : Application au formage incrémental. In 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août – 2 septembre 2011.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Détermination numérique de courbes limites de formage en fonction de la température pour un alliage d’aluminium 5086. In 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, 29 août – 2 septembre 2011.

X. Chu, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Influence du modèle de comportement rhéologique sur la prédiction de la formabilité d’un alliage d’aluminium sous sollicitations dynamiques. In Matériaux 2010, Nantes, 18-22 octobre 2010.

M. E. Ait Ali, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Simulation d’un procédé de formage de structures raidies : étude de faisabilité. In 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 27-31 août 2007.

C. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, E. Ragneau. Etude de la formabilité des tôles hydroformées dans la gamme des vitesses de déformation intermédiaires. In 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 27-31 août 2007.

A. Milley, C. Kerzreho, J. Noailles, L. Leotoing. Mise en place et retour d’expérience sur de l’enseignement à distance. In TICE 2004. Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Octobre 2004.

E. Courteille, F. Mortier, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Optimisation d’un système de suspension moteur pour une amélioration du confort vibro-acoustique. In 16ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nice, 1-5 septembre 2003.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Prévision du flambage local-global et interactif des poutres sandwichs en compression plane. In 6ème Colloque National En Calcul Des Structures, Giens, juin 2003.

L. Leotoing, S. Drapier, A. Vautrin. Flambage et effets d’échelle dans les structures sandwich. In JNC12, Cachan, pages 343–352, novembre 2000.

O. Bartier, G. Mauvoisin, I. El Houjeyri, X. Hernot, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, C. Moussa. Caractérisation par indentation du cordon de soudure obtenu par soudage TIG sur un acier 15CrMoV6. In Colloque Indentation 2016, Lille, October 12-14, 2016.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier. Calibration of anisotropic yield criterion with conventional tests or biaxial test. In IDDRG 2015 Conference, Shanghai, China, May 31 – June 3, 2015.

S. Zhang, L. Leotoing, D. Guines, S. Thuillier. Characterization of sheet metal plastic anisotropy by cross biaxial tensile test. In Colloque Journée SF2M Section Ouest, Lorient, 2013.

L. Leotoing, S. Thuillier, D. Guines. Caractérisation du comportement mécanique d’un alliage d’aluminium en expansion biaxiale application aux courbes limites de formage. In JAUM2010, Lorient, 25-27 août 2010.

I. Zidane, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Développement d’un essai biaxial adapté à l’identification du comportement rhéologique d’alliages métalliques et de leur formabilité sous sollicitations dynamiques. In JAUM2010, Lorient, 25-27 août 2010.

I. Zidane, D. Guines, L. Leotoing, E. Ragneau. Développement d’un banc d’essai dynamique de traction bi-axiale. In MECADYMAT 2008, Lorient, 2-3 avril 2008.